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Past Celebrity Waiter Events

What an incredible way to celebrate 22 years of creating hope at our 17th Annual Celebrity Waiter event!

We’d like to give the winners of the tip jar contest a huge congratulations and thank you for supporting our mission!

Grand Champion – Ryn Jones
1st Place – Hayden Moore
2nd Place – LSU Golden Girls
3rd Place – Layne McDaniel

We also want to give a heartfelt thank you to all who showed up, sponsored the event, and cheered us on. Stay tuned for the final numbers, they’re on the way!

What is Celebrity Waiter?

The Celebrity Waiter Event (CW) is the primary fundraiser for the Baton Rouge Children’s Advocacy Center.  The event has been held since 2006, working to raise funds to help provide the services the BRCAC offers to the many child abuse victims and their families. Some of our first “celebrity waiters” included TV personalities, sports icons such as the LSU Football Coaches, politicians, etc. and we have since been privileged to have been graced with hundreds local celebrities  who come to compete for tips and bragging rights for a great cause!

Some highlights of the event include:

  • 🎂  The tip competition
  • 🎂 A huge silent auction with 100+ items (including autographed memorabilia, sports packages, jewelry)
  • 🎂 A live auction

CW is a fun way to be a part of this non-profit raising funds to help those greatly in need within East Baton Rouge, West Baton Rouge, Iberville and Pointe Coupee parishes.

Celebrity Waiters


Past Events

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